Training and Seminars
04.2018-05.2018 Education program of psychotherapy
“The system of happiness, psychological correction of experience and physicality”
10.2018-12.2018 Pražská vysoká škola psychosociálních studií
Communication techniques
Structured methods of logotherapy
Work with stress
12.2019- 04.2020 Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in St. Petersburg
Intensive CBT course for beginners
04.2020-09.2020 Beck’s Institute
Essentials of CBT
Depression Disorder
Personality Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
09.2020-05.2021 Person Center. Pražské mezinárodní centrum pro rozvoj člověka
150 hours of internship. Attended therapy sessions and participated in an encounter group
09.2020-12.2020 UNYP Counseling Center
150 hours of internship as a counselor
14.9 - 18.9.2020 Psychosomatic Clinic
30 hours of internship. Theoretical, practical blocks, and seminars in a group of students
10.2021-05.2021 UNYP/ Coaching and Mentoring holding the EQA conferred by EMCC
150 hours of internship
115 hours of practical training as a coach
10.2021-05.2022 Tarot Psychology School
Intensive course for beginners
06.2022-08.2022 Tarot Psychology School
Intensive triplet course
11.2022-06.2023 Tarot Psychology School
A course of Esoteric Layouts